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24 September 2020 - 25 September 2020
Rijeka, Croatia
AdRia4Blue 2020

September 24th 2020

13:25 From the Sea and the Coast to the Table and Best Host: local oenology and gastronomy as a basis for sustainable tourism development

Reaching tourism 365 by branding a destination as gastronomic region? Can top quality gourmet offer come from local groceries? To be different - how much does the hospitality sector's autochthonous offer affects guest's rating? Oscillations in production, quantity and quality of local foods offer - is there a solution? Can small local manufacturers supply large hotel chains?

 14:55 In Vino Veritas: experiences of wine destinations

Cultural route as added value to the new tourist destination? Wine route as a new tourism product? Can wine tourism serve as the basis for development of the year-round tourism? Autochthonous varieties, tradition and identity of the Mediterranean - a new motive for the visit? Examples of good practices in developing new tourist destinations.

 16:45 Eat What it's Worth: food from the sea - fish as a brand

Fish and health - are we eating enough of it? What influences fish consumption? How to increase the consumption of local fisheries products and achieve their appropriate valuation? Sustainable fishing and farming - are fishery products indeed expensive? Could the top quality fish dish be prepared at an affordable price?

September 25th 2020

 13:00 Sea of ​​Tradition - Wave of Innovation: how to preserve traditional by creating innovative

Innovations with the purpose of reviving the known and tasting the unknown. How to create a brand out of the local foods and traditional recipes?

14:28 From the Start to the Goal: how to raise funds

How to finance your project? Examples of best practices.

Closed since 23 September 2020
Rijeka, Croatia
Organised by
Croatia 11
Italy 5
Spain 3
Slovenia 3
Montenegro 1
France 1
Portugal 1
Austria 1
Israel 1
Total 27
Other 8
University 5
Association/Agency 5
Authority/Government 4
Company (SME) 3
R&D Institution 1
Investor / Finance 1
Total 27
Profile views
Before event 414
After event 0
Total 414